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Absence de Spring (28/09 au 28/10)

Moon Haesoo
Moon Haesoo
Pseudo : Spring ✿
Célébrité : kim jongin (kai, exo)
Crédits : larmestendres
Messages : 132
Absence de Spring (28/09 au 28/10) | Sam 28 Sep - 0:04
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ABSENCE Moon Haesoo, Jang Myeongwol, Sun Taehee.
DATES Du 28/09 au 28/10
PETIT MOT à bientôt
<w>Spring</w> du <strong>28/09/2024</strong> au <strong>28/10/2024</strong>
@"moon haesoo" @"jang myeongwol" @"sun taehee"


and then, i met her
❝  I wish I could explain your eyes, or how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart ♡ skip a beat and how every time I'm with you, I feel so complete.
Kong Yeong Hun
Kong Yeong Hun
Absence de Spring (28/09 au 28/10) Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Helvia
Célébrité : Lee Ju Yeon (THE BOYZ)
Messages : 26400
Âge : 26
Re: Absence de Spring (28/09 au 28/10) | Sam 28 Sep - 8:46
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à bientôt :hi:
je note l'abs~


head in the dust ♒︎ Feeling used but I'm still missing you and I can't see the end of this. Just wanna feel your kiss against my lips and now all this time is passing by but I still can't seem to tell you why. ©️ endlesslove.

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