Le deal à ne pas rater :
Ampli Home Cinema Denon AVR-X1700H à 399€
399 € 799 €
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ko myung jin (@ko_mj)

Ko Myung Jin
Ko Myung Jin
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia
Célébrité : Kim Jun Seo (WEi)
Crédits : Little Liars ♡
Messages : 1631
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Dim 3 Déc - 0:11
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ko_mj 9h


all or nothing
I’m taking out the hidden parts of me one by one. Alright, climbing up top where it used to be blocked. Following this light, go up.

Rhee Hye Su aime ce message

Ko Myung Jin
Ko Myung Jin
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia
Célébrité : Kim Jun Seo (WEi)
Crédits : Little Liars ♡
Messages : 1631
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Sam 9 Déc - 17:47
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ko_mj 9s


all or nothing
I’m taking out the hidden parts of me one by one. Alright, climbing up top where it used to be blocked. Following this light, go up.

Rhee Hye Su aime ce message

Ko Myung Jin
Ko Myung Jin
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia
Célébrité : Kim Jun Seo (WEi)
Crédits : Little Liars ♡
Messages : 1631
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Dim 24 Déc - 11:37
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ko_mj 9s


all or nothing
I’m taking out the hidden parts of me one by one. Alright, climbing up top where it used to be blocked. Following this light, go up.

Choi Su Ji et Rhee Hye Su aiment ce message

Ko Myung Jin
Ko Myung Jin
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia
Célébrité : Kim Jun Seo (WEi)
Crédits : Little Liars ♡
Messages : 1631
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Dim 11 Fév - 10:17
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ko_mj 9s


all or nothing
I’m taking out the hidden parts of me one by one. Alright, climbing up top where it used to be blocked. Following this light, go up.

Rhee Hye Su aime ce message

Ko Myung Jin
Ko Myung Jin
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia
Célébrité : Kim Jun Seo (WEi)
Crédits : Little Liars ♡
Messages : 1631
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Ven 16 Fév - 21:57
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ko_mj 9s


all or nothing
I’m taking out the hidden parts of me one by one. Alright, climbing up top where it used to be blocked. Following this light, go up.

Rhee Hye Su aime ce message

Ko Myung Jin
Ko Myung Jin
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia
Célébrité : Kim Jun Seo (WEi)
Crédits : Little Liars ♡
Messages : 1631
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Mar 20 Fév - 20:50
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ko_mj 9h


all or nothing
I’m taking out the hidden parts of me one by one. Alright, climbing up top where it used to be blocked. Following this light, go up.
Kang Dae Joon
Kang Dae Joon
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_m230uz7XWX1qfamg6

Pseudo : kerushirei / she.
Célébrité : hong joshua (seventeen).
Crédits : sohaline (ava) & me (signa).
Messages : 186
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Mar 20 Fév - 21:14
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@k_joonie vous connaissait déjà alors que vous faisiez encore pipi dans votre couche. 


the chaos of stars
in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality i'd find you and i'd choose you.

Ko Myung Jin aime ce message

Ko Myung Jin
Ko Myung Jin
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia
Célébrité : Kim Jun Seo (WEi)
Crédits : Little Liars ♡
Messages : 1631
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Ven 23 Fév - 14:42
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ko_mj 9s


all or nothing
I’m taking out the hidden parts of me one by one. Alright, climbing up top where it used to be blocked. Following this light, go up.

Rhee Hye Su et Kang Dae Joon aiment ce message

Ko Myung Jin
Ko Myung Jin
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia
Célébrité : Kim Jun Seo (WEi)
Crédits : Little Liars ♡
Messages : 1631
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Sam 6 Avr - 11:23
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1k2 J'aime
ko_mj  ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 1f617

Voir les 2k commentaires


all or nothing
I’m taking out the hidden parts of me one by one. Alright, climbing up top where it used to be blocked. Following this light, go up.

Rhee Hye Su aime ce message

Ko Myung Jin
Ko Myung Jin
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia
Célébrité : Kim Jun Seo (WEi)
Crédits : Little Liars ♡
Messages : 1631
Âge : 26
Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | Sam 6 Avr - 11:29
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4k4 J'aime
ko myung jin (@ko_mj) - Page 4 1f338

Voir les 4k commentaires


all or nothing
I’m taking out the hidden parts of me one by one. Alright, climbing up top where it used to be blocked. Following this light, go up.

Rhee Hye Su aime ce message

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Re: ko myung jin (@ko_mj) | 
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