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oh sun hee (@sunny_)

Oh Sun Hee
Oh Sun Hee
oh sun hee (@sunny_) 81LPPEbI_o

Pseudo : bambi ((elle))
Célébrité : park chaeyoung ∽ rosé/blackpink
Messages : 324
Âge : 28
oh sun hee (@sunny_) | Sam 3 Juin - 12:30
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@sunny_ suivrecontacter...

We're just kids. We aren't supposed to be heroes

pseudo1,pseudo2 et xx autres personnes suivent


Tell me that I'm special Tell me I look pretty Tell me I'm a little angel Sweetheart of your city Say what I'm dying to hear 'Cause I'm dying to hear you
Won Rohan
Won Rohan
oh sun hee (@sunny_) Tumblr_inline_mwbop7PDN21r8evev

Pseudo : Hellvia (elle)
Célébrité : Byeon Wooseok
Crédits : Sohaline ♡
Messages : 296
Âge : 31
Re: oh sun hee (@sunny_) | Sam 3 Juin - 12:32
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vous suitinsta friends

Oh Sun Hee est sous l'effet d'un philtre d'amour

Oh Beom Gyu
Oh Beom Gyu
oh sun hee (@sunny_) 81LPPEbI_o

Pseudo : Stichy (( elle ))
Célébrité : Kwon Soon Young ( Hoshi )
Crédits : ava: @bambi / Signa: @mingicodes
Messages : 213
Âge : 26
Re: oh sun hee (@sunny_) | Dim 4 Juin - 11:44
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vous suitinsta friends


Wild Tiger
Sweet cat
Oh Sun Hee
Oh Sun Hee
oh sun hee (@sunny_) 81LPPEbI_o

Pseudo : bambi ((elle))
Célébrité : park chaeyoung ∽ rosé/blackpink
Messages : 324
Âge : 28
Re: oh sun hee (@sunny_) | Dim 24 Déc - 12:39
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sunny_ 2h


Tell me that I'm special Tell me I look pretty Tell me I'm a little angel Sweetheart of your city Say what I'm dying to hear 'Cause I'm dying to hear you

Oh Beom Gyu et Won Rohan sont sous l'effet d'un philtre d'amour

Oh Sun Hee
Oh Sun Hee
oh sun hee (@sunny_) 81LPPEbI_o

Pseudo : bambi ((elle))
Célébrité : park chaeyoung ∽ rosé/blackpink
Messages : 324
Âge : 28
Re: oh sun hee (@sunny_) | Lun 26 Aoû - 11:36
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sunny_ 2h


Tell me that I'm special Tell me I look pretty Tell me I'm a little angel Sweetheart of your city Say what I'm dying to hear 'Cause I'm dying to hear you
Oh Sun Hee
Oh Sun Hee
oh sun hee (@sunny_) 81LPPEbI_o

Pseudo : bambi ((elle))
Célébrité : park chaeyoung ∽ rosé/blackpink
Messages : 324
Âge : 28
Re: oh sun hee (@sunny_) | Dim 13 Oct - 20:44
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sunny_ 2h


Tell me that I'm special Tell me I look pretty Tell me I'm a little angel Sweetheart of your city Say what I'm dying to hear 'Cause I'm dying to hear you
Oh Sun Hee
Oh Sun Hee
oh sun hee (@sunny_) 81LPPEbI_o

Pseudo : bambi ((elle))
Célébrité : park chaeyoung ∽ rosé/blackpink
Messages : 324
Âge : 28
Re: oh sun hee (@sunny_) | Lun 28 Oct - 20:13
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sunny_ 2h


Tell me that I'm special Tell me I look pretty Tell me I'm a little angel Sweetheart of your city Say what I'm dying to hear 'Cause I'm dying to hear you
Oh Sun Hee
Oh Sun Hee
oh sun hee (@sunny_) 81LPPEbI_o

Pseudo : bambi ((elle))
Célébrité : park chaeyoung ∽ rosé/blackpink
Messages : 324
Âge : 28
Re: oh sun hee (@sunny_) | Dim 10 Nov - 13:44
Citer EditerSupprimer
sunny_ 2h


Tell me that I'm special Tell me I look pretty Tell me I'm a little angel Sweetheart of your city Say what I'm dying to hear 'Cause I'm dying to hear you
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Re: oh sun hee (@sunny_) | 
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